Building your own HTML poster

A tutorial on using this template to make your own posters

Clément Pit-Claudela


Academic posters are usually designed using presentation software and distributed as images or PDFs.

While PDFs are fine for printing posters, they are not particularly user-friendly: they are hard to read on small screens, don't support resizing text or increasing contrast, and often don't work nicely with screen readers.

The recent shift to online conferences is a great opportunity to reconsider our poster-making tools, and it turns out that plain HTML5 + CSS works pretty well for making (more) accessible posters.

This template is released under a permissive license: all we ask if you use it for your own posters is that you leave a one-line comment in the HTML sources.

Using this template

There are two ways to use this template: directly editing the HTML, and using Jinja2 templates.

Editing the HTML directly

This is the simplest way to get started, since it just requires a text editor:

  1. Download the latest release of this template (or download the webpage and the corresponding stylesheet directly from the repository).
  2. Adjust the metadata and add blocks to the main section.

Using Jinja2

The poster is a Jinja2 template, so you can inherit from it and fill in the relevant fields and the contents.

  1. Clone the GitHub repository.
  2. Create your own jinja2 template, starting from this tutorial.
  3. Render to HTML using the script:
    ./ your_jinja2_poster.jinja output.html
The template for this tutorial includes documentation for each variable and block.

Poster layout

Posters made using this template are composed of a sequence of blocks. You can use CSS to customize the way the blocks are designed; by default they scroll left to right on wide screens and top to bottom on narrow screens.

Try resizing your browser to see how the poster's layout changes.

Block template

Each block has the following structure (fill in the italicized parts):

  <header><h3>Block title</h3></header>

  Block contents:
    paragraphs (<p>),
    figures (<figure>),
    lists (<ul>, <ol>),
    images (<img>, <object>),
    tables (<table>), …

Structural markup

The following markup is useful to structure content blocks:

Inline markup

Not sure which one to use? Check out Mozilla's explanations. Using appropriate markup helps screen readers a lot.


Use the following code to insert a figure:

  Figure contents:
    images (<img>, <object>),
    tables (<table>),
    quotes, …
  <figcaption>Figure caption</figcaption>

An orange shield with a white 5 emblazoned on it and the letters HTML above it.
The HTML5 logo (Source: W3C)


Use the following code to include an image:

<img src="source url"
     alt="image description">

Prefer scalable images (SVG) for technical drawings and figures.

Most technical drawing software supports saving as SVG; if yours does not, you can typically save to PDF, which can then easily be converted to SVG (this is useful for TikZ diagrams in particular).

Make sure to include an alt attribute: it will be read by assistive technology and displayed while the image is loading.


This poster template loads MathJax by default, so you can include inline math in backslash-parentheses \( … \) and display math in backslash-brackets \[ … \]:

\((\lambda x. e) v \downarrow e[x/v]\) (β-reduction)

\[\frac {\langle \mathtt{expr}, s\rangle \Downarrow v} {\langle \mathtt{var := expr}, s\rangle \downarrow s\left[\mathtt{var} \leftarrow v\right]} \small{\text{Assign}}\]

Using MathJax allows users of assistive technology to browse the equations.

Additional styling

The template's stylesheet defines a few extra CSS classes:

(horizontally centered text)

(horizontally centered block)

.columns-top .columns-center .columns-bottom
To customize column widths, use grid-template-columns; for example, for 40%/60% widths, use the following snippet:
style="grid-template-columns: 40fr 60fr"
Project logo
A stand-alone figure to fill the remaining space.