The Essence of BlueSpec

A Core Language for Rule-Based Hardware Design

Thomas Bourgeat, Clément Pit-Claudel, Adam Chlipala, and Arvind | MIT CSAIL
PLDI 2020,


Bluespec, a high-hevel HDL, offers a simple concurrency model that enables functional reasoning without compromising performance.

Unfortunately, its cost model is hard to formalize: performance depends on user hints and static analysis of conflicts within a design.

We present Kôika, a Bluespec derivative that gives direct control over scheduling decisions that determine performance, while using dynamic analysis to avoid concurrency anomalies.

Our implementation includes formal semantics, mechanized theorems, and a verified compiler.


Decomposition of a Kôika program into rules and a scheduler
State function = Rules + Explicit schedule



HW spec = Functional spec (ORAAT) + Performance spec (Not in previous work)

in → fFIFO queueg → out

Functional spec: out = g(f(in))
Performance spec: out[t + 2] = g(f(in[t]))

Precise semantics allows for performance proofs

Our design

Kôika’s semantics are written in Coq, as an interpreter.  Kôika programs, are written in a custom language embedded inside of Coq.  Users can write specifications of high-level properties and prove them against the semantics.  The compiler, also written in Coq, allows us to translate our programs into RTL circuits.  It is verified, so we now know that any properties proven about the original programs carry to the compiled circuits, including timing properties.

The Kôika EDSL

rule divide =
  let v = r.rd_0() in
  if iseven(v) then
    r.wr_0(v >> 1)
rule multiply =
  let v = r.rd_1() in
  if isodd(v) then
    r.wr_1(3 * v + 1)
schedule collatz = [divide; multiply]

rule swap =
rule dyn_abort =
  if r.rd_0() == 0 then
  if s.rd_0() == 0 then

Core language


$$ \newcommand{\app}{\mathbin{+\!\!+}} \newcommand{\hypsep}{\hspace{1.25em}} \newcommand{\deduction}[3][]{\frac{#2}{#3}{\small{#1}}} \newcommand{\logRead}[2]{\left(\textsf{rd}_{#1}, #2\right)} \newcommand{\logWrite}[3]{\left(\textsf{wr}_{#1}, #2, #3\right)} \newcommand{\logAppend}[2]{#2 \app [#1]} \newcommand{\judgeExec}[3]{\Gamma \vdash \computesTo{(\ell, #1)}{\left(#2, #3\right)}} \newcommand{\sgaRead}[3]{#2.\texttt{rd}_{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\sgaWrite}[4]{#2.\texttt{wr}_{\texttt{#1}}\left(#4\right)} \newcommand{\computesTo}[2]{#1 \downarrow #2} $$
$$ \deduction[\text{RD}{_0}] {\logWrite{1}{r}{*} \notin L \hypsep \logWrite{0}{r}{*} \notin L} {\judgeExec{\sgaRead{0}{r}}{\logAppend{\logRead{0}{r}}{\ell}}{\mathcal{R}\left[r\right]}} $$ $$ \deduction[\text{WR}{_1}] {\judgeExec{a}{\ell^\prime}{v} \hypsep \logWrite{1}{r}{*} \notin L \app \ell^\prime } {\judgeExec{\sgaWrite{1}{r}{a}}{\logAppend{\logWrite{1}{r}{v}}{\ell^\prime}}{\textsf{tt}}} $$

Rich specifications serve as a contract between hardware designers and compiler writers and enable verified designs and verified compilation.

One-rule-at-a-time abstraction

Theorem OneRuleAtATime init schedule:
  exists rules ⊂ schedule,
    interp_s init schedule =
    foldl interp_r init rules.
Kôika's semantics Valid behaviors under one-rule-at-a-time semantics
ORAAT property enables local, modular reasoning Proof mechanization enables semantics exploration

Compilation to RTL

RTL circuit
Sequential semantics

Concurrent RTL with deferred checks

Semantic of log updates for writes.  Given a circuit corresponding to a semantic log and a circuit corresponding to a semantic value, an append to the log is compiled to a hardware log with the write flag set to 1 and the data field set to the value circuit.

Verified circuit optimizations (constant propagation, mux elimination, partial evaluation) reduce the overhead of dynamic scheduling & conflict resolution.

Compiler correctness

Theorem CompilerCorrectness init schedule:
  interp_s   init schedule =
  interp_rtl init (compile schedule).
Kôika's semantics RTL semantics

Output and downstream synthesis

Fragment of YoSys output on the Collatz example
  • Kôika outputs code in a safe subset of Verilog.
  • Downstream tools perform further optimizations and can generate FPGA and ASICs designs.

Hardware artifacts so far

Terminal window showing ASCII art of the PLDI20 logo, printed by running our RISCV core in simulation

Next steps

Kôika logo